Here’s a floor map of level exhibitors. The bigger names (e.g. HP, Epson, Dell, Samsung) were located at the 4th floor while the smaller shops selling different products would be located at the 6th floor. Interestingly Mustafa was also at the COMEX 4th floor!
People queued, sometimes before the actual opening hours, simply because there were certain promos with limited number of sets. For example Samsung was selling the Omnia II at $799 for limited number of sets per day and once the sets were exhausted, the more expensive price of $839 kicked in.
Of course, consumers benefited when the stiff competition resulted in prices being cut, often on the spot with price reduction scribbled on some cardboards. For example the Toshiba flash drive prices were adjusted when other price lists were revealed. There were also many booths selling the same items, and it would help if you tell one booth that the other booths were throwing in some freebies (e.g. laptop items) before you made any purchase.
Exhibitors were a lot smarter now with their logistics. It used to be that consumers have to lug their own boxes from the COMEX exhibitions, and that deterred people from buying bulkier items. Now exhibitors, for example Epson, simply packaged their bigger items with a trolley (picture below), and the consumers could simply pay and go. Innovative right?
Those who were worried that their older electronics were taking up storage space at home, could also trade in their older wares e.g. laptops, during this exhibition. Both working and faulty sets could fetch in some cash for the consumers’ immediate use at the COMEX. Smart idea!